

Human health as well as the planet’s

9 September 2019

We worry a lot about the environmental impact of the graphics industry but the health of people working at the job of printing and publishing…

Unintended consequences

3 September 2019

The graphics industry is at the heart of the recycling industry, but when it comes to environmental accountability, how solid are its credentials?

The beast that is HP Inc.

15 July 2019

HP Inc is without doubt the biggest player in the graphics industry. Net revenue in 2018 was a cool $58.3 billion.

Ricoh awards sustainability prize

24 June 2019

It’s surprising that there are so few sustainability prizes that award cash, but Ricoh is leading the way, especially in the USA.

Composting plastic

3 June 2019

We’ve come across a rising number of compostable alternatives to plastic of late. The ideas are heading in the right direction, but there needs to…

Plastics and the circular economy

28 May 2019

By 2025 the European Union’s (EU) Circular Plastics Alliance expects ten million tonnes of plastic to be recycled every year.

Senfa goes for green textiles

28 May 2019

Senfa showcased its green credentials at Fespa 2019, unveiling products that are manufactured using 100% recycled polyester textile materials.

CorrStream goes modular

14 May 2019

Sun Automation Group is introducing a new modular design of its CorrStream technology.

Digital Printer