

Round and round goes plastic and print

13 May 2019

The circular economy is rapidly moving from being the preserve of green activists and investors out into the mainstream. The idea that everything we use…

Paper industry lagging

7 May 2019

Sad to say the paper industry is still one of the world’s top polluters, alongside steel and energy producers.

The Global Sustainability Index

8 April 2019

What matters when looking at the world’s leading one hundred companies and how they are pushing sustainability forward?

Plastic Recycling

25 March 2019

Packaging printed on Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) is changing. LDPE is the cheapest and most commonly used recyclable plastic but it takes hundreds of years…

Design with the environment in mind

19 March 2019

A couple of weeks ago we talked about the need for designers to think about the environment when planning media projects. This is especially important…

Paper industry still falling behind

5 March 2019

We’ve been working recently with people from the paper industry and it’s been enlightening. The paper business has a long and lofty history: it’s hundreds…

Sustainability by design

25 February 2019

All the talk about building circular economies can seem very remote from the day to day realities of living life and work’s daily grind.

Digital Printer