

Print volumes still on the slide

20 January 2020

Newspapers are struggling still as they wrestle with new business models that shift from printed copy sales to digital delivery.

Toppan pushing the boundaries

14 October 2019

We all know the advantages of going direct to press for the environment. Direct digital printing requires no intermediate steps to create a printing forme.…

Workflow and waste

24 September 2019

When we are out and about working with Digital Dots consulting clients, we spend an inordinate amount of time explaining workflow management. But rarely do…

Human health as well as the planet’s

9 September 2019

We worry a lot about the environmental impact of the graphics industry but the health of people working at the job of printing and publishing…

Unintended consequences

3 September 2019

The graphics industry is at the heart of the recycling industry, but when it comes to environmental accountability, how solid are its credentials?

Digital Printer