

Ricoh awards sustainability prize

24 June 2019

It’s surprising that there are so few sustainability prizes that award cash, but Ricoh is leading the way, especially in the USA.

Match-making for brands

6 June 2019

As digital printing extends its reach into more and more applications, an issue that’s growing in importance in many sectors is brand colour accuracy.

Composting plastic

3 June 2019

We’ve come across a rising number of compostable alternatives to plastic of late. The ideas are heading in the right direction, but there needs to…

Plastics and the circular economy

28 May 2019

By 2025 the European Union’s (EU) Circular Plastics Alliance expects ten million tonnes of plastic to be recycled every year.

Round and round goes plastic and print

13 May 2019

The circular economy is rapidly moving from being the preserve of green activists and investors out into the mainstream. The idea that everything we use…

Paper industry lagging

7 May 2019

Sad to say the paper industry is still one of the world’s top polluters, alongside steel and energy producers.

Swiss roll

17 April 2019

The thirteenth Hunkeler Innovationdays attracted the largest number of visitors yet to the shores of Lake Lucerne.

Digital Printer