Danish printing company building a circular economy
17 June 2019
There are signs that Circular Economy thinking is gaining traction in the printing business.
17 June 2019
There are signs that Circular Economy thinking is gaining traction in the printing business.
13 June 2019
HP Indigo digital printing inks have been certified by TUV Austria, which awarded the ‘OK Compost Home’ and ‘OK Compost Industrial’ marks.
10 June 2019
For graphics businesses looking to satisfy their customers’ eco itches, try CarbonCo’s offsetting programme. This organisation works with the World Land Trust to provide money…
3 June 2019
We’ve come across a rising number of compostable alternatives to plastic of late. The ideas are heading in the right direction, but there needs to…
28 May 2019
By 2025 the European Union’s (EU) Circular Plastics Alliance expects ten million tonnes of plastic to be recycled every year.
20 May 2019
Earlier this year the European Union (EU) published some updates to its ecolabelling criteria.
13 May 2019
The circular economy is rapidly moving from being the preserve of green activists and investors out into the mainstream. The idea that everything we use…
7 May 2019
Sad to say the paper industry is still one of the world’s top polluters, alongside steel and energy producers.
2 May 2019
J&G Environmental is stepping up its efforts to support more ethical print service providers in the fight against plastic pollution.
29 April 2019
We tend to expect the makers of substrates to be the ones who come up with affordable and recyclable materials, but Australia’s Cactus Imaging is…
23 April 2019
The enthusiasm for plastics reuse and recycling initiatives is a step in the right direction, but it overlooks the role of consumers.
15 April 2019
At the recent Xeikon Café event in Belgium, on display were samples of single use cups printed on a new plastic free stock.
8 April 2019
What matters when looking at the world’s leading one hundred companies and how they are pushing sustainability forward?
25 March 2019
Packaging printed on Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) is changing. LDPE is the cheapest and most commonly used recyclable plastic but it takes hundreds of years…