

Steps towards a circular economy

15 November 2022

The idea of digitally watermarking printed products to aid in their sorting for appropriate end-of-life recycling offers considerable promise, but requires concerted cross-industry efforts to…

Embellishment advances

14 November 2022

What was once called special effects and is now embellishment offers vast potential for stunning new creative effects, but can also add value and help…

CMYUK to host last open house of 2022

14 November 2022

The event will take place on 23 and 24 November at its Shrewsbury, UK, demonstration and training facility for customers eager to explore the world…

The cost of doing business

7 November 2022

With energy costs fast rising to the top of the list of business concerns despite the announcement of government support, it’s timely for printers to…

Greens the Signmakers by name and nature

3 October 2022

East Yorkshire-based printing and signage company Greens the Signmakers has revealed how investing in the HP Latex R2000 has helped the business take on new…

Digital Printer