Gelato can now offer translation management services via Xplanation 


Print solutions provider Gelato has partnered with global translation tool Xplanation to offer customers a broader range of services.

‘Ensuring that marketing materials are faithfully reproduced, across markets and languages, has always been a big challenge for global companies. Nowhere is it more important than in printed material,’ said Christian Sæterhaug, CMO of Gelato.

Henrik Müller-Hansen, CEO and founder of Gelato added, ‘With Xplanation, we are now able to offer seamless translation management services, which is especially important for many of our customers with offices in the BRIC markets.’

Gelato can deliver printed materials to more than five billion people in 72 countries. By enabling global brands to print locally around the world, the company helps its customers operate in more sustainable and cost-optimised ways.

‘We help our customers take their business global and simplify the translation process for them. Many of them are also looking for an easy-to-use, cost-efficient, and eco-friendly solution for printing their translated material locally, and that is exactly what Gelato offers. We are proud to partner up with Gelato and look forward to developing this partnership and joint services on a global scale,’ concluded Véronique Özkaya, CEO at Xplanation.