Hatch is committed to ethical practices


New start up and London-based printer, Hatch, gains the first official vegan accreditation for any UK based printer.

The company has forged a reputation in its short life so far, as it finds new and innovative ways to stand out against its competitors. After extensive questioning of all his suppliers, and sourcing new ones where necessary, founder Gary Toomey discovered that he could take Hatch’s green credentials a step beyond.

Mr Toomey said, ‘Indeed, though it is an odd accreditation for a printer, I think it is still a valid and important one, especially in such an important time when people are waking up to the fact that our actions matter; we have a voice and we have choices. We can live sustainably and not destroy the only home we have, by using recycled stocks, and working as suitably and as sustainably as possible.’

To achieve the Vegan Society accreditation, Hatch had to examine everything it does – all the products it offers, and all the processes involved; not only in terms of what the company produces, but also the manufacturing and production of the products it is supplied with, ensuring it is clear and clean on every aspect.

Everything from paper to ink and packing, and of course adhesive products, has been followed back down the supply chain and if anything was found not to be demonstrably free of animal products, a new supplier had to be found.

Hatch is committed to ethical practices across everything it does, with FSC accreditation – meaning all the paper used for its range of print materials comes from forests that meet the highest environmental and social standards; CO2 neutral presses – reducing its carbon footprint; intelligent LED lighting that dims and turns off automatically; and of course recycling everything possible, including paper, card, plastic, metal and chemical waste.