The new Horizon kit adds production capacity and flexibility


To support fast turnaround book and journal production, Imprint Digital has invested in an IFS-supplied Horizon variable three knife trimmer and a Horizon four clamp perfect binder.

The Exeter print production arm of publisher Imprint Academic specialises in soft and hardback publications in a range of subjects including philosophy, history, politics, psychology and consciousness studies. It also completes work for external and self-publishers. It runs two Canon digital presses and three Konica Minolta Bizhubs. 

The Horizon HT1000V variable three-knife trimmer produces high quality variable short-run and book of one production at up to 1000 books per hour. It can handle untrimmed and trimmed sizes, up to 65mm thick. It features a user-friendly interface that enables intuitive operation and fine-tune adjustment, and 200 jobs can be memorised for repeat orders or special applications. 

The small-footprint 1350 books-per-hour Horizon BQ470 four-clamp perfect binder is ideally suited to mid-range soft back book production with higher production speeds, instant make readies for runs-of-one. It can bind up to 65mm thickness and offers fully automated set-up through an intuitive icon based LCD touchscreen. 

Adam Roppert, production director, commented, ‘Day to day we are being asked to handle all the normal book sizes and everything in between. The new system can manage that workload easily with quick set up, so we can chop and change in 30 seconds rather than the 10 to 15 minutes the older system was taking.’ 

‘We were happy with the older system’s reliability and consistency and know the replacement would be exactly what we needed for the work we are doing. Its quick and easy set-up will also help us further streamline production.’