Simon McKenzie, managing director of Hollywood Monster (L) and Mat Jephcott, operations director with their new EFI VUTEk 5r printer


EFI’s VUTEk 5r printer has made its UK debut at Hollywood Monster’s Birmingham headquarters, where it will help the display company to maximise production time.

The 5m-wide roll fed LED cured platform, launched at EFI Connect in Las Vegas this January was supplied and installed by CMYUK. 

‘Prior to the EFI VUTEk 5r installation, we would typically move printed output over to a cutting table for finishing,’ explained Simon McKenzie, managing director at Hollywood Monster. The company would trim hundreds to thousands of banners on the table, or even by hand – a step that is now eliminated with the 5r’s X-Y cutting facility.

‘It’s a huge productivity boost,’ said Mr McKenzie, who was also impressed with the VUTEk 5r’s higher ink efficiency and ability to reduce wasted media to just 40cm of material per load

‘With multiple roll changes daily, combined with the volumes that we print, the reduction in media waste will result in us saving many thousands of square metres annually,’ he noted. ‘Over its lifetime, the media savings alone will make a significant contribution towards the machine’s purchase cost.’  

‘This is the sixth VUTEk printer we have installed for Hollywood Monster in the last 12 years,’ said Robin East, managing director of CMYUK. ‘It’s exciting to work with a business as dynamic as Hollywood Monster; a business that embraces technology and innovation to solve problems, increase productivity and continually drive its own success.’