Duplo has revealed the location for its sixth London Calling event will be the East Wintergardens, Canary Wharf, where guests will see a range of products from Duplo and its partners.

The event coincides with the 30th anniversary of the company’s first UK installation, a DC 1100. It will provide an opportunity for customers to ask machine operators, who will be on site to run the machines, any questions they have about their own workflow queries.

According to the company partners are very important to the show and the list of partners, which is yet to be released, will be able to guide visitors through the entire workflow.

Sarah Crumpler, UK marketing manager, said, ‘Our aim is to offer something for everyone but it is so difficult to provide a ‘one size fits all’ solution for printers as they are all so different. We now have to change the way we sell to our customers; we take a one on one approach in a consultative style.’

The focus of the event looks to moving away from the ‘nuts and bolts’ of machinery towards understanding how the technology can improve a print business and enabling printers to make money.