Xeikon is inviting packaging and commercial printers to put digital print to the test through its See The Proof program, first launched in 2013.

The program offers converters and printers a low-threshold way of testing and evaluating the quality of digital printing using their own label, packaging or commercial print projects.

‘The response we received on last year’s See The Proof campaign was so overwhelming that we decided to stage it again in 2014, extending it from its original focus on labels to include folding carton and general commercial print production,’ said Patrick Van Baelen, vice president marketing. ‘This easy-to-use program provides an innovative and convenient way for printers and converters of all types to evaluate the quality and benefits of digital production, and investigate how they can expand and grow their business. We feel this is an important service to the industry, since all segments are seeing increased demand for the values that digital printing delivers, including shorter cycle time and cost-effective production of short runs without any sacrifice in quality.’

Using the enhanced website www.seetheproof.com operations around the world can upload their own digital files. The work will be printed using Xeikon’s digital presses. Label designs will be printed using three different materials with ICE toner: structured wine label material, metalised labels and transparent PE. For folding carton work, two different packaging substrates will be used, while all document and commercial printing applications will be produced on two document grades.

The Xeikon 3000 Series presses will be producing the label and folding carton designs. ‘The folding carton market is on the brink of a breakthrough in digital,’ commented Mr Van Baelen. ‘The discussion is no longer about quality, which is a given with the 3000 Series, but is now more focused on workflow management and speeding time to market. We have many customer stories from the label and folding carton segments that validate the utility of the Xeikon 3000 Series in achieving these aims.’

Document and commercial prints will be produced on a Xeikon 8000 Series press. ‘We make it easy for printers to benchmark our strengths – outstanding quality combined with the highest productivity. Companies simply upload a file that will be printed in a roll-to-roll configuration, and then they can judge for themselves,’ Mr Van Baelen explained.


Xeikon’s dedicated website for this campaign, www.seetheproof.com, is available now through the end of 2014.