(L-R ) Giorgio Damiano and Gary Orsman

The Larger Profile Ltd a display print specialist in Letchworth, UK, has successfully completed beta testing Europe’s first Screen Truepress Jet W3200UV flatbed UV inkjet printer.

The company works in close partnership with Benchmark, a specialist retail design manufacturing group working for leading supermarkets, DIY chains and Blue Chip brands such as Samsung.

Gary Orsman, managing director, said, ‘We started with an Océ Arizona 550 UV flatbed and it was ideal, however none of the printers at the time could do white ink, and we wanted that. So, earlier this year, when Screen asked me to be the beta site for this new machine with white, I jumped at the chance.’ 

The new printer has enabled the company to handle high quality, volume work that would not have been feasible previously. For example, the company relied on the Truepress Jet’s combination of speed, quality and consistency to fulfil a massive project to print Foamex wall panels and acrylic signage for 250 in-store pharmacies for a major UK supermarket, at a rate of five or six stores a day. 

The machine is designed as a cost effective solution for companies looking to upgrade from legacy high quality, low speed digital printers to a latest generation printer that combines high quality with high productivity.

‘Carrying the Screen name gives certain guarantees about build quality and servicing that customers can rely on,’ said Bui Burke, vice president of sales at Screen Europe. ‘Inca Digital makes fantastic high speed printers, and we at Screen have the experience of supporting our existing large format UV printers and inks, from the Truepress Jet 2500UV onward.’ 

The Truepress Jet W3200UV is a moving bed printer that can take rigid board or paper sheets up to 3.2 x 1.6 m format and up to 50 mm thick, or multiple smaller sheets at once. It features a 14 picolitre drop size and prints at 10, 14, 18 and 22 passes with a thin ink film that helps with flexibility on the media. The bed travels under the head carriage gantry, which builds up the image with between eight and 22 passes depending on the speed and quality required.

Mr Orsman added, ‘It can print 85sqm per hour with CMYK and, even for top quality with maximum passes, we rarely drop below 66sqm per hour. Also the Truepress’ bed size means we can handle 3 x 1.65m panels and fill the bed with several panels if we wish to get maximum use.’ 

‘What I always wanted from a digital printer with my background in quality packaging, we are now getting from the Truepress. It gives me the quality and speed that I couldn’t get anywhere else.’