In keeping with the event’s ethos of innovation, efficiency and full-process integration, the new Print Efficiently 2013 website includes a built-in web to print facility from Vpress.
The event takes place during the first two weeks of October at the Apex Digital Graphics’ showrooms in Hemel Hempstead. The website features a wealth of information from all 14 partner companies, detailing the products and services visitors can expect to discover at the event.
The zone, created by event web to print partner Vpress, offers visitors the opportunity to create their own customised event guides, wallplanners and notepads, with regular ‘walk-the-workflow’ tours on the day of their visit guiding them through the multiple processes involved in their production by the event partners.
The W2P zone, which merges with the PE2013 site in much the same way as it can be integrated with any print company’s site, is based on the Coreprint suite.
Marketing manager, Emma Mortiboy, said, ‘This is a great opportunity for printers to get a taste of Coreprint and its capabilities, from the obvious personalisation of the show collateral to the seamless integration into the Print Efficiently website. Coreprint offers a broad spectrum of functionality thus allowing clients to select the elements they require in order to build a completely bespoke system to suit their needs. The Print Efficiently integration was a straightforward process and shows that building web to print into your offering need not be complicated.’
The print jobs generated by the web to print system are designed for production at the show using a range of processes, including offset, digital and wide format print, plus variety of finishing equipment. They form part of a series of demonstrations which show an integrated workflow across multiple platforms from different manufacturers and suppliers, to highlight the principle behind the event: that an effective print operation can be created by selecting the best products for each process, which can be configured and workflow integrated to create the best match to customer needs.
Emma Mortiboy, marketing manager, Vpress