A new portfolio of company divisions, Kiian Digital, Kiian Screen and Kiian Industrial, will be launched by ink manufacturer Kiian Group at Fespa, London.

The company’s digital business in 2012 achieved an impressive growth of over 20% and the group has expanded into new regions including South America, USA and Asia. 

‘As a modern global ink manufacturer, we have to both reflect and lead the dynamic markets in which we operate,’ said Fabio Festorazzi, CEO. ‘The fact that the market is in a constant state of evolution, means that Kiian must also adapt in order to best meet our customers’ needs, whilst leading our business most effectively.’ 

‘The brand restructure makes it easier for new customers to locate the products they need whilst helping our customers connect with Kiian most effectively. We, at Kiian, remain committed to helping our customers grow their businesses by developing new applications with our high quality inks that deliver profit and performance. Visitors to Fespa 2013 will be able to see our renewed commitment to innovation, growth and globalisation,’ concludes Festorazzi.