Antalis McNaughton has extended its split pack offer on the Arjowiggins Curious Collection of papers to cover more types. It said this gives customers a greater choice of paper with less cost and waste, by being able to order paper in the quantities they require. 

The Curious Collection papers are now available to order from 25 sheets or more, in any colour, weight and finish, all available in B1.

Earlier in the year, Antalis McNaughton launched the first product in the Creative Papers portfolio to be sold in split packs; Keaykolour, a premium quality, coloured paper range.

Emma Linley, Creative Papers product manager at Antalis McNaughton said: ‘The feedback from printers and designers following the launch of Keaykolour split packs has been tremendous, which is why we have continued to offer more products available as a split pack option. The ability to purchase these creative papers in smaller quantities means that printers and designers can now choose the colour and weight they need without it being prohibitively expensive. So, if they need 25 sheets or more of a particular paper in the Curious Collection ranges then we can fulfil their needs.’

The split pack offer now covers:Curious Touch, which is textured like the skin of a peach;Curious SKIN,with an ultra smooth feel;Curious Translucents; Curious Metallics; Curious Cosmic, amatt finished board with a soft touch effect. All products are FSC certified
