An Open House event is being held by TranseoMedia and Ashgate Automation on 3 and 4 July.
Transeomedia is the UK distributor for Amazing Print web to print solutions, DirectSmile and Taopix personalised photo software. Ashgate is UK distributor of the Fastbind range of finishing equipment and is also a Duplo finishing systems distribution partner. The location is Ashgate’s showroom in Chalgrove, near Oxford.
The companies will show full demonstrations of web to print software and Taopix photo gift software in a live environment, with output to a Konica Minolta digital press. Each real job will finished on a range of Duplo and Fastbind equipment.
Although it is an open house so visitors can go any time, the companies say that it’s also possible to book demonstrations of particular systems in advance for a particular day and time.