The Independent Print Industries Association (IPIA) and British Association of Print and Communication (BAPC) have come together in order to call on members of the industry to contact the Government as part of an effort to influence its policy and secure special financial assistance for the print sector.

For the past few weeks the two organisations have been advocating on behalf of the UK print industry to The Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). This has included providing BEIS’ Intelligence Gathering Unit with first hand information from the print sector regarding the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak.

At the request of the organisations we produced an impact statement and BEIS has now provided them with ‘an assurance that it will be represented to Government policy makers as they develop financial schemes to support the UK’s industrial manufacturing base.’

BEIS has also requested that they receive information directly from the sector as to the immediate impact the outbreak is having and what specific support is needed to prevent permanent and wide-spread economic damage. IPIA and BAPC have asked that all print industry businesses who read this provide such information via this survey link: