As it celebrates its 60th birthday, Rochester-based Delga Press has confirmed that it will continue to ‘evolve and invest,’ going forwards. 

Part of Delga Group, the company originally produced packaging for the music and entertainment industries, before branching out into a range of new print sectors.

Delga Group managing director Ian Conetta explained, ‘We originally produced packaging predominantly within the music and entertainment industry through cassettes, vinyl and CDs, before identifying the trends and adapting into new areas of print to meet market demand. We observed trends and patterns and adapted like any good business should, and as the music industry began to see the demise of vast amounts of packaging, Delga Press diversified into the wider packaging sectors.’

This diversification saw the company invest in a range of new kit, becoming the first in the UK to install an HP Indigo 1200 HD digital press, and also purchasing a Highcon Euclid III digital laser creasing and cutting machine.

Mr Conetta added, ‘In addition to our service USP, we have some incredible staff working at Delga Press, some of whom have been with us in excess of 30 years. One member in particular is due to retire later this year after 50 years of service. This is a phenomenal achievement. We are proud of our staff and know that we would not have reached our 60-year milestone without skilled and dedicated staff.

‘Delga Press is a business that will continue to evolve and invest, remaining at the forefront of high-quality manufacturing.’